
Hi There.

My name is Nicole, and I am an avid lover of motion and cats.

Since graduating from Ringling College of Art + Design, I have worked as a freelance Motion Designer applying my range of 2D and 3D knowledge to client projects. Experienced in broadcast, I have animated a variety of graphics for on air projects and spots. Outside of animating, I have an interest in experimenting with coding and interactive software.

If you would like to discuss a project, collaborate, or even just want to say hi, feel free to send me a message!

Awards and Recognitions

Promax Spark Gold Winner in Showcase Reel (2021)

Motionographer Quickie - Promos for The Motion Awards (2021)

Best of Ringling Motion Design Official Selection x2 (2021)

Regional Student Addy Award in Elements of Advertising (2021)

Promax Spark Awards Finalist in Public Service Announcement and Showcase Reel (2020)